
Tourism, Transport And Communication Class 10th Geography MHB Solution


Question 1.

State whether right or wrong with reasons:

The future of tourism is bright in India due to its natural diversity.


Yes, the statement is right. The future of tourism is bright in India not just because of its natural diversity but also due to the cultural heritage of the country. The number of both foreign as well as Indian tourists visiting different parts of the country is steadily increasing. People visit the country for its natural, scenic beauty, heritage, culture, civilisations and healthy nourishment. Tourism is strongly being promoted by the government and is an important component of the country’s national income.

Question 2.

State whether right or wrong with reasons:

Tourism is an invisible trade.


Yes, the statement is correct. An invisible trade is a business transaction that occurs with no physical exchange of goods. The transfer of services occurs in invisible trade. In such a case, tourism is an invisible trade. It involves the exchange of services in hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and concerned financial institution. It involves the flow of money even if there is no direct transfer of commodities. Also, many people are connected by the tourism industry. It leads to the generation of income with no physical trade. Thus, tourism can be called an invisible trade.

Question 3.

State whether right or wrong with reasons:

The indicator of development in a country is the development of transport in that country.


No, the statement is wrong. The development of the transport network is not an indicator of development in a country. Transport facilities also play an important role in development, but it is not the ultimate indicator. Factors such as national income and per capita income are the main determinant of development in a country. Brazil, a county having less developed transport network has a higher per capita income than India, a country having much better transportation network. Thus, the development of transportation is not an important determinant of development.

Question 4.

State whether right or wrong with reasons:

Brazil’s time is ahead of India’s time.


No, the statement is wrong. India is 8 hours 30 minutes ahead of BRT. Brazil itself has 5 time zones, while India considers 82.5 ̊ E longitude as the Indian Standard Time. IST is 5 hours 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Meridian Time, while Brazilin time is 3 hours behind GMT. That makes India’s time ahead of Brazil’s time.

Question 5.

State whether right or wrong with reasons:

The development of tourism in India has begun recently.


No, the statement is wrong. Tourism has been the subject of India’s five-year plans from the early days. The first effort to promote tourism was made in 1945 when the British Government constituted a committee under Sir John Sargent for the growth of tourism. After independence, tourism development was considered in an organised manner from the second five-year plan. National policy on tourism was formulated from 1982. After the 1980s, development of tourism is an integral part of the policies and programmes of the government.

Question 6.

Answer in short:

Which factors attract most tourists in Brazil?


Tourism is one of the largest growing service industries in Brazil. Tourism rates are rising steeply in Brazil from the 2000s. There was a setback in the tourism industry between 2006 and 2008, but the economy is back on track from then. Today, Brazil is one of the most visited countries in South America.

1. Brazil’s cultural integrity and natural beauty are not the only factors that draw tourists. Brazil is also a very popular business destination. Many MNCs have their headquarters in Brazil.

2. The Amazon River basin and the impenetrable forests, widespread beaches and bays in the coast, attractive islands and the innumerable species of flora and fauna makes Brazil an attractive tourist destination.

3. Many places are tagged by the UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. Besides the capital city of Brasilia, cities like Rio-de-Janeiro and Sao Paulo also attract vast tourist traffic.

4. Because of the abundance of natural resources in the country, ecotourism is also being promoted with the participation of local people.

Most of the visitors are from Argentina, the United States, and Italy. To promote tourism, tourist VISA requirements have been renounced for many countries including Greece, Italy, Hong Kong, Poland, Turkey, and many others. Thus, tourism is a largely developing industry in Brazil.

Question 7.

Answer in short:

What are the difficulties in the development of the railway system in Brazil’s internal areas?


Rail transport started in Brazil from the 19th century. Still, the most common means of transportation in Brazil is the roadways or the waterways. The extent of railways in much smaller in Brazil. It is nearly five times smaller than the extent of roadways in Brazil.

The density of the rail network is concentrated in the eastern part of the country. The internal region is actually devoid of the rail network. There are many difficulties in the development of the rail network in the internal areas. The dense, impenetrable Amazon forests and the vast tributaries that form the Amazon basin are the main reason for the lack of a rail network in the internal regions compared to the eastern side of the country. Some areas may be defined by certain tribal groups. The acquisition of land for commencing rail network is also a big issue. The use of the rail network for transportation is highly restricted in the country.

The government has initiated many projects for the development of rail networks across the country and also for the upkeep of the existing ones.

Question 8.

Answer in short:

Which means of communication has expedited the field of communications?


Communication is the process of sending or receiving information from others through different means of communication. In the earlier days, letters and word-of-mouth were the only means of communication. Newspapers became a wide-spread mode with the development of the printing press. But the development of technology has accelerated the communication process in the world.

1. Internet and satellites are the harbingers of today’s fast-expanding digital communication network. Information and Communication Technology (IT) is an important driving force for the success of today’s communication.

2. Telecommunication facilities, especially the internet has significantly contributed to the development of communication between countries in different continents.

3. The development of services like e-banking has increased the pace in which transactions are carried out around the world. Today, the world is just a click away. Information is being transmitted in seconds, and the world has shrunk inside our hands.

4. Any information can be accessed via the internet and communication has become highly centralised though satellites. Information revolution through digital means like mobile phones and social media has also expanded the communication network between counties.

Thus the development of highly sophisticated technology has expedited the field of communication.

Question 9.

A plane leaves Brasilia at 11 am on 31 December. The plane crosses 0 ̊ meridian and reaches Vladivostok via New Delhi. Tell the local time, date and day at New Delhi and Vladivostok when the plane leaves Brasilia.


Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Thus sun moves from east to west as the earth rotates from west to east. Earth can be seen as a sphere of 360 ̊. Earth rotates this 360 ̊ in 24 hours.

Rotation of earth in 1 hour = 360/24 = 15 ̊

The plane takes off from Brasilia on 31 December, Sunday at morning at 11.00 AM. The longitudinal coordinates that determine the time of Brasilia are 47.52 ̊ W. The next stopover of the flight is New Delhi that has the longitudinal time zone in the coordinates 82.5 ̊ E.

The difference in longitude between Brasilia and New Delhi = 47.52 ̊ W + 82.5 ̊ E

= 130.02 ̊ E

Difference in time = 130.02/15 = 8.6 hours

= 8 hours + (0.6*60) minutes

= 8 hours 36 minutes (approx.)

Since the earth rotates from west to east, time zone at 82.5 ̊ E will be ahead of 47.52 ̊ W. Thus time would be lead in India by 8 hours 36 minutes.

Time in India when the flight takes off = 7.36 PM

The destination of the flight is Vladivostok that has the longitudinal time zone in the coordinates 131.88 ̊ E.

The longitudinal difference of Brasilia and New Delhi = 47.52 ̊ W + 131.88 ̊ E

= 179.4 ̊ E

Difference in time = 179.4/15 = 11.96 hours

= 11 hours + (0.96*60) minutes

= 11 hours 57 minutes (approx.)

Since the earth rotates from west to east, time zone at 131.88 ̊ E will be ahead of 47.52 ̊ W. Thus time would be ahead in Vladivostok by 11 hours 57 minutes.

Time in Vladivostok when the flight takes off = 10.57 PM

Question 10.

Match the following:



a. Trans-Amazonian is an important highway in Brazil. It was inaugurated on 27 September 1972. It is 4000 km long. It is the third largest highway in Brazil. It was commissioned to integrate the interior northern parts of Brazil with the rest of the country.

b. Golden quadrilateral is an important national highway network of India. It connects the major centers of India and the four metros- Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata. It is maintained by the National Highway Authority of India. It was completed in 2012. It is the largest highway project undertaken in India.

c. Rio de Janeiro is an important tourist place in Brazil situated in the 40 ̊ W Meridian. Its proper coordinates are 22 ̊ 54 S, 43 ̊ 12 W. It has the second largest economy of Brazil.

d. Manmad is a major railway station of the Central railway zone. It is located in Nasik district of Maharashtra, India. It was opened in 1886.

Question 11.

Give geographical reasons:

Ecotourism is being developed more in Brazil.


Ecotourism is the tourist activities mainly engaged towards the inherent natural environment to support preservation and conservation of the exquisite flora and fauna. Ecotourism is being developed more in Brazil because of its richness in natural resources. The Amazon River basin and the impenetrable forests, widespread beaches and bays in the coast, attractive islands and the innumerable species of flora and fauna makes Brazil an attractive tourist destination. Because of the abundance of natural resources in the country, ecotourism is also being promoted with the participation of local people.

Question 12.

Give geographical reasons:

The waterways are not developed in Brazil.


Brazil has the potential to be the country using waterways as an important means of transportation. Sea transportation is mostly used in Brazil, and the inland river transportation is not highly utilised. Inland river transportation network is only 13% of the total transportation network of Brazil. The waterways are not highly developed especially in the interior regions because of the occurrence of many waterfalls and the difficulty in navigation in these areas having strong currents. Also, these areas are far from the other major centers making its development highly uneconomical.

Question 13.

Give geographical reasons:

A dense network of railways has developed in the North Indian Plains.


As compared to the north-eastern and hilly regions of the country, the railway network is highly dense in the northern plains. It is an important place opted for human settlement because of the fertility of the land. Farming and dairying are the important occupations of the people. The main crop grown is paddy and wheat along with maize, millets, and gram. Many highly populated cities like Allahabad, Lucknow, and Varanasi is located in the region. Because of this, the transportation network, communication facilities, and the infrastructure is highly developed resulting in a very dense railway network in the region.

Question 14.

Give geographical reasons:

Development of transport is important for the country’s progress.


The transport system is the service by which persons and goods move from one place to the other using humans, animals or vehicles. Transport system establishes the links between producing centers and consuming centers. Transport provides the link through which trade takes place. Transport system also acts as an artery for communication within the nation and among the nations. The principal modes of transportation are land ways, waterways, airways and through pipelines. To be established as a major trading center, the country must have a well-connected transit network. The integrated operation of all the means of transportation is essential for its effective functioning. Thus the development of transport is very important for a country’s progress.

Question 15.

Give geographical reasons:

We rely on sea route for international trade.


Foreign trade or international trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. It is an important component of the economy. Waterways have been the most common means of transport from earlier days. Waterways are the cheapest and easiest way of carrying bulky goods over long distances. One of its greatest benefits is that it does not require any route construction or maintenance. Sea routes and oceanic routes are most beneficial for transporting bulky goods from one country to another. Waterways is a major means of domestic and foreign trade. But, to establish as a major trading center, the port must have a well-connected rail and road transit network.

Question 16.

Differentiate between:

Water transport in Amazon and the Ganga river


Question 17.

Differentiate between:

Communication in Brazil and India


Question 18.

Differentiate between:



Question 19.

Write notes on:

Modern means of communication


Communication is the process of sending or receiving information from others through different means of communication. In the earlier days, letters and word-of-mouth were the only means of communication. Newspapers became a wide-spread mode with the development of the printing press. But the development of technology has accelerated the communication process in the world.

1. Internet and satellites are the harbingers of today’s fast-expanding digital communication network. Information and Communication Technology (IT) is an important driving force for the success of today’s communication.

2. Telecommunication facilities, especially the internet has significantly contributed to the development of communication between countries in different continents.

3. The development of services like e-banking has increased the pace in which transactions are carried out around the world. Today, the world is just a click away. Information is being transmitted in seconds, and the world has shrunk inside our hands.

4. Any information can be accessed via the internet and communication has become highly centralised though satellites. Information revolution through digital means like mobile phones and social media has also expanded the communication network between counties.

Question 20.

Write notes on:

Air transport in India


Airways is the fastest mode of transport of the century. It is also the most expensive means. Airplanes and helicopters are the major air transport modes. Presently, airways are the only mode of transport to reach remote locations that have no road and rail connectivity. Helicopters play a major role during natural calamities or wars for rescuing people and distributing food and other essentials, especially in the inaccessible areas. It is essential in a country like India that has different terrains and long distances between places.

Air transport in India was started in 1911. It is managed by the Indian Airlines and Air India. IndiGo, Jet Airways, Air India, Spicejet, and GoAir are the major transit corporations. India’s is the world’s third largest domestic and overall civil aviation sector. India has a total of 499 airports. To achieve connectivity and utilising the potential of under-rated airports, the government has launched the UDAN scheme from April 2017.

Question 21.

Write notes on:

Correlation between physiographic and internal waterways.


India has an extensive network of waterways including lakes, canals, oceans, and other inland water systems. The total navigable area is 14500 km. Waterways have been the most common means of transport from earlier days. Waterways are the cheapest and easiest way of carrying bulky goods over long distances. One of its greatest benefits is that it does not require any route construction or maintenance. Waterways can be inland waterways or sea routes. Navigable rivers, canals, backwaters, and lakes are used as inland waterways. It was the major means of transportation before the advent of railways and roadways. Inland waterways are the only means of transportation through dense, impenetrable forests and areas defined by certain tribal groups. Sea routes and oceanic routes are mostly used for transporting bulky goods from one country to another. Waterways is a major means of domestic and foreign trade.

Question 22.

Write notes on:

Importance of standard time


Standard time of a country is the time of the country determined legally and is binding on all the regions. It is the harmonisation of different time zones in a geographical area rather than using the solar time. It was established in the 19th century to enable weather forecasting and set railway timings. Some of the importance of following a standard time is:

• It helps in avoiding confusions of time differences that can happen between the extreme points in the same country.

• It helps in properly scheduling the railway and the airway timings.

• It helps in making defined schedules for meeting with the delegates from other foreign countries.

• It helps to coordinate activities and reduces the loss of time incurred n adjusting the time zones.

• It helps to improve communication across the same country.

Intext Questions

Question 1.

Answer the questions after reading fig 9.2

a. What type of graph is shown here?

b. What does the graph show?

c. Which country’s tourism has a larger share in the contribution towards GDP?

d. Which country has a larger population engaged in the tourism sector but contributes lesser in GDP?


a. The graph depicted is a double bar diagram depicting the tourism industry in India and Brazil. It depicts the percentage of the population engaged in tourism and its contribution to GDP in both countries.

b. The graph depicted is a double bar diagram depicting the tourism industry in India and Brazil. It depicts the percentage of the population engaged in tourism and its contribution to GDP in both countries.

c. The contribution towards GPD of Brazil is more than that of India. In Brazil, nearly 8% of the population is engaged in the tourism industry. But their contribution to GDP is nearly 10%.

d. In India, the population engaged in the tourism industry is much greater than the contribution to GDP. Nearly 10% of the population is engaged in the tourism industry, but their contribution is only 8%.

Question 2.

What are the factors responsible for the development of these tourism sites in Brazil?


Tourism is one of the largest growing service industries in Brazil. Tourism rates are rising steeply in Brazil from the 2000s. There was a setback in the tourism industry between 2006 and 2008, but the economy is back on track from then. Today, Brazil is one of the most visited countries in South America.

Brazil's cultural integrity and natural beauty are not the only factors that draw tourists. Brazil is also a very popular business destination. Many MNCs have their headquarters in Brazil. The Amazon River basin and the impenetrable forests, wide beaches and bays in the coast, attractive islands and the innumerable species of flora and fauna makes Brazil an attractive tourist destination. Many places are tagged by the UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. Besides the capital city of Brasilia, cities like Rio-de-Janeiro and Sao Paulo also attract vast tourist traffic. Because of the abundance of natural resources in the country, ecotourism is also being promoted with the participation of local people.

Most of the visitors are from Argentina, the United States and Italy. To promote tourism, tourist VISA requirements have been renounced for many countries including Greece, Italy, Hong Kong, Poland, Turkey and many others. Thus, tourism is a largely developing industry in Brazil.

Question 3.

Considering the development of transport in a place, which factors do you think are responsible for the development of transport in Brazil? Also, think which means of transport could be used in Brazil given its topography and drainage?


The transport system is the service by which persons and goods move from one place to the other using humans, animals or vehicles. Transport system establishes the links between producing centres and consuming centres. Transport provides the link through which trade takes place. Transport system also acts as an artery for communication within the nation and among the nations. The principal modes of transportation are land ways, waterways, airways and through pipelines. To be established as a major trading centre, the country must have a well-connected transit network. The integrated operation of all the means of transportation is essential for its effective functioning. Thus the development of transport is very important for a country’s progress.

The most common method of transportation in Brazil is the roadways. Most of the country's transportation requirements are fulfilled by the roadways. But the density of the road network is more in the eastern part. Brazil has the potential to be the country using waterways as an important means of transportation. Sea transportation is mostly used in Brazil and the inland river transportation is not highly utilised. Inland river transportation network is only 13% of the total transportation network of Brazil. The waterways are not highly developed especially in the interior regions because of the occurrence of many waterfalls and the difficulty in navigation in these areas having strong currents. Also, these areas are far from the other major centres making its development highly uneconomical.

Rail transport started in Brazil from the 19th century. Still, the most common means of transportation in Brazil is the roadways or the waterways. The extent of railways in much smaller in Brazil. It is nearly five times smaller than the extent of roadways in Brazil. The density of the rail network is concentrated in the eastern part of the country. The internal region is actually devoid of the rail network. There are many difficulties in the development of the rail network in the internal areas. The dense, impenetrable Amazon forests and the vast tributaries that form the Amazon basin are the main reason for the lack of a rail network in the internal regions compared to the eastern side of the country. Some areas may be defined by certain tribal groups. The acquisition of land for commencing rail network is also a big issue. The use of the rail network for transportation is highly restricted in the country.

Thus, the development of roadways and waterways is the main modes of transportation that could be used in Brazil given its topography and drainage.

Question 4.

Arun called his mother from Digboi at 7 AM. At what local time will his mother pick up his call at Jaisalmer?


Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Thus sun moves from east to west as the earth rotates from west to east. Earth can be seen as a sphere of 360 ̊. Earth rotates this 360 ̊ in 24 hours.

Rotation of earth in 1 hour = 360/24 = 15 ̊

Arun calls from Digboi, Assam at 7.00 AM. The longitudinal coordinates that determine the time of Brasilia are 95.63 ̊ E. Jaisalmer is at the longitudinal time zone coordinate of 70.9 ̊ E.

The difference in longitude between Brasilia and New Delhi = 95.63 ̊ E – 70.9 ̊ E

= 24.73 ̊ E

Difference in time = 24.73/15 = 1.64 hours

= 1 hour + (0.64*60) minutes

= 1 hour + 38 minutes (approx.)

Since the earth rotates from west to east, time zone at 70.9 ̊ E will be ahead of 95.63 ̊ E. Thus when the time would be ahead in Jaisalmer by 1 hour 38 minutes. But since India is following a standard time at the longitudinal coordinate 82.5 ̊ E, the whole country will have the same time zone that is 5 hours 30 minutes ahead of the Greenwich Time. Thus the local time at Jaisalmer would be 7 AM.

Question 5.

It is 12 noon at Delhi. What would be the local time in Brasilia?


Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Thus sun moves from east to west as the earth rotates from west to east. Earth can be seen as a sphere of 360 ̊. Earth rotates this 360 ̊ in 24 hours.

Rotation of earth in 1 hour = 360/24 = 15 ̊

The time at India is 12.00 in the noon. It has the longitudinal time zone in the coordinates 82.5 ̊ E. The longitudinal coordinates that determine the time of Brasilia is 47.52 ̊ W.

The difference in longitude between Brasilia and India = 47.52 ̊ W + 82.5 ̊ E

= 130.02 ̊ E

Difference in time = 130.02/15 = 8.6 hours

= 8 hours + (0.6*60) minutes

= 8 hours 36 minutes (approx.)

Since the earth rotates from west to east, time zone at 82.5 ̊ E will be ahead of 47.52 ̊ W. Thus Brasilian time would be behind the Indian time by 8 hours 36 minutes.

Time in Brasilia = 3.24 AM

Question 6.

On what basis will you decide how many standard times should be there in a country?


Standard time of a country is the time of the country determined legally and is binding on all the regions. It is the harmonisation of different time zones in a geographical area rather than using the solar time. It was established in the 19th century to enable weather forecasting and set railway timings. Some of the importance of following a standard time is should be considered while deciding the number of standard times to be followed in any country:

• It helps in avoiding confusions of time differences that can happen between the extreme points in the same country.

• It helps in properly scheduling the railway and the airway timings.

• It helps in making defined schedules for meeting with the delegates from other foreign countries.

• It helps to coordinate activities and reduces the loss of time incurred in adjusting the time zones.

• It helps to improve communication across the same country.

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Balbharati Solutions for Social Science Geography 10th Standard SSC Maharashtra State Board

Chapter 1: Field Visit

Chapter 2: Location and Extent

Chapter 3: Physiography and Drainage

Chapter 4: Climate

Chapter 5: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Chapter 6: Population

Chapter 7: Human Settlements

Chapter 8: Economy and Occupations

Chapter 9: Tourism, Transport and Communication















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