
It is easy to advise others not to worry, but difficult for oneself to follow the same. Narrate an experience which made you realise the truth of this statement.

It is easy to advise others not to worry, but difficult for oneself to follow the same. Narrate an experience which made you realise the truth of this statement.

Ans. It is always easy to advise our friends and relatives. But  before we advise we should think whether we are capable of advising others. It is easy to tell others not to worry, but less easy to take such advice yourself ’. How far have you found this to be true from your experience? As far as I can recall, I find that the above saying is variably true. It is easy to utter “don’t worry” to someone in trouble, but when I am the one facing the problem, I cannot stop worrying and laughs out loud.

When it comes to examination, I worry a great deal too. I worry about little things like how many pens I should take into the examination hall, did I came to the right examination hall, my student card and my pencil. I always felt that all my pens might run dry or my student card would go missing, but my worries were always for nothing. I am the one who gives wonderful advice. I am able to console and calm them down quite effectively, but as for myself I go on worrying and fidgeting. I cannot follow my advice.

The first time I had to sit for an oral examination. I was all tensed up a day before the actual examination. Understandably my friends were also worrying about how they should behave in front of the examiners. They were planning strategy and techniques. I acted smart, as I was confident about the whole matter. I even gave them some important hints and told them to stop worrying. They were thankful for my suggestions and I suppose that I gave them an impression of calm and steadiness. But inside me I knew better. My mind was in a state of great disturbance. All through the night before the examination day, my thoughts were fixed on the examination. I felt like a tape recorder inside my head was playing. I did not sleep well that night. My dreams were filled with monstrous examiners and failed examinations. Such was my anxiety.

Again my worries were for nothing. Everything went smoothly and I sailed through the whole thing with a hitch. Soon it will be time again for our examinations. My classmates are all hard at work preparing for the occasion. The examination fever has flared up. Sweaty brows and haggard faces become common again. It is time for me to begin working too. I tell my friends that examinations are not worth worrying about. I tell myself the same things too, but yet at the back of my mind, I wonders how well I will do in the examinations. To wonder is not the same as to worry, or is it ?