Short-term Borrowings
Short-term borrowings are required to be further classified in the notes as below :
- Loans repayable on demand
- from banks
- from other parties
- Loans and advances from related parties
- Deposits
- Other loans and advances (specifying nature)
Following disclosures are required in respect of each sub-head :
- Each category of borrowing should be classified as secured or unsecured and the nature of security should be specified.
- The nature of security should cover the type of asset given as security e.g. Inventories, Plant & Machinery, Land & Buildings.
- Details about the personal security of the promoters, other shareholders or any third party should be disclosed.
- Loans and advances from related parties to be disclosed separately.
- Advances taken for goods and services which are of current nature should be disclosed under other current liabilities.
- Default in repayment of dues to financial institutions and banks or debentureholders should be reported under CARO by the auditor.
- Current maturities of long term borrowings should be classified, as, other current liabilities.