
Employee Acceptance Letter.

Employee Acceptance Letter.

Formal Letter Writings.


The Manager,

Rainbow International,

Near M.G. Road,



Date: 21st February, 2021



No. 1, Heaven Colony,

Matunga Cross Road,

Matunga (E),

Mumbai - 400019.

Subject:- Employee Acceptance Letter.

Dear Vinith,

With reference to your interview conducted on10th February, 2015 we are pleased to announce that you been appointed as the Chief Accountant in our company “The Rainbow International”

Your total annual Income will be of Rs. 8.9 lakhs and the complete breakup of the same is enclosed herewith. You will be required to work at the premises/offices as assigned by the management from time to time, and you will be liable for transfer to other offices depending on exigencies of service.

With heartiest congratulations I welcome you in our company “The Rainbow International”.

Thanking You

Yours truly,

Name and Signature

Formal Letters

Informal Letters