- A Co-operative society is a voluntary association of people who come
together on the basis of unity and equality to protect and promote their common
economic interest. The nature of co-operative organization is service oriented.
Each for all and all for each is the principles of a co-operative society.
- “Co-operative society is a society which has its objectives for the
promotion of economic interests of its members in accordance with co-operative
principles.” (Indian Co-operative
Societies Act1912)
Merits of Co-operative Societies
are as Follows:
Easy Formation:
-A co-operative
society can be formed easily. Minimum ten members required for the registration
of co-operative society. Then any adult member can join hands to start
co-operative society. Though the registration of a co-operative society is compulsory,
the procedure for registration is simple and the fees for registration are
Democratic Management: -The management of cooperative organisation is democratic in nature. Each member enjoys an equal right to vote. The principle of voting is 'one member one vote'. Thus each member is involved in decision making.
Limited Liability: - The liability of the members of the co - operative society is limited to their shares or to the extent of the unpaid amount of the shares held by them.
Stability: - Since a co - operative society enjoys an independent legal status different from its members. It enjoys a stable and continuous life.
Open Membership: - The membership of a co - operative society is voluntary. It is open to all i.e. any person of any caste, creed, religion etc. can become a member by purchasing shares in the society.
Tax Concession: - Since co - operative societies plays an important role in the economic and social development of the country, the government gives many concessions to them which include exemption of payment of income tax upto a certain limit. This helps in increased profitability.
Less Operating Expenses: -The
operating expenses of co-operative societies are very little because members
offer administrative services without any remuneration. There are no
advertisement expenses and no middlemen are involved.
Supply of goods at cheaper Rate: - Co - operatives society makes bulk purchases directly from manufacturer or wholesale trader, so goods are available at cheaper rate. Co - operative, societies main aim is to provide service to members rather than earning profits.
Self financing and charity: - After paying maximum dividend of 15% p.a. on the shares of members and bonus as per their purchases, the surplus profit is utilized for financing growth and development of the organization and also for the charitable and social activities.
Demerits of
Co-operatives Society are as Follow: -
Lack of
Capital: -The members
of co-operative society belong to lower and middle income group. Hence they can
invest only a limited capital in the co-operative society. Buying more shares
does not help members in dictating their terms in the management since the
principle of voting is 'one member one vote' unlike a company where a company
where it is 'one share one vote'. There is no capital appreciation. A maximum
of 15% p.a. is paid on the shares.
Rigid Government
Rules and Regulations: -There
is strict control and supervision by the state government on the working of
co-operative organizations. Registration is compulsory as per the co-operative
society act of the concerned state. The concentration of power is in the hands
of Registrar. Various statements are required to be sent to the government from
time to time. Due to excessive government interference, the spirit of
co-operation is lost.
Management: -Members
constitute Managing committee which is responsible for day to day
administration of the society, members may not possess the required skills,
abilities, time and experience for managing the affairs efficiently. Members
work in an honorary capacity. Therefore they lack motivation.
Lack of Public
Confidence: -It is
observed that only some particular members become members of the managing
committee and they are politically motivated. Co-operative society does not
enjoy public confidence as many co-operative societies have failed miserably (unhappily) in achieving their objectives. This is because
unnecessary interference by politicians, corrupt government officials in the
working of co-operatives.
Lack of
Motivation: -The
managing committee members work in an honorary capacity. There is no incentive
for them to work hard. There is direct effort reward relationship. This may
reserve in lack of interest by management in affairs of the co-operative
Disputes: -There are
constant conflicts among members as they lack the maturity and experience in
handling the affairs of the society. Some members purchases their requirement
from other sources rather than from the co-operative society of which, they are
members. Moreover, some members try to set concessions and privileges enjoyed
by co-operatives for their personal gain. These may result in winding up of the
co-operative society.
7. Limited
Scope for Expansion: - Due
to limited financial and managerial resources, co-operatives society
cannot expand the business beyond certain limit.