Homophones are those words which sounds similar buy have meaning and spelling different.
- bare , bear
- compliment, complement
- dye, die
- flower, flour
- lesson, lessen
- pain , pane
- peek, peak
- loan, lone
- main, mane
- meet, meat
- rein, rain, reign
- role, roll
- root, route
- sail, sale
- sight, cite, site
- soar, sore
- sole, soul
- tyre, tire
- waist, waste
- wait, weight
- week weak
- There , their
- Fair, fare
- Knew, new
- Wright, right
- Sum, some
- Whether, weather
- Principle, principal
- Piece, peace
- Birth, berth
- Hole, whole
- Pray, prey
- Sea, see
- Be, bee
- Where, were
- Hear, ear
- Our, hour
- Are, or