
CBSE Class 9 Computer Applications Deleted Syllabus: Check Topics Scrapped for 2020-2021

Check here the names of topics deleted from CBSE Class 9 Computer Applications Syllabus for 2020-2021. These deleted topics will not be assessed in the Annual Exam 2021.

CBSE Class 9 Computer Applications Deleted Syllabus: Check Topics Scrapped for 2020-2021

CBSE Class 9 Computer Applications syllabus has been reduced for the academic session 2020-2021. The board has deleted up to 30% of the topics from the syllabus to reduce the course load on students. This deleted portion is only for the purpose of annual examination 2021. So, all those students who will write the CBSE Class 9 Computer Applications Exam 2021, must check the deleted portion of the Computer Applications syllabus. Knowing the names of deleted topics and chapters is quite essential to avoid reading the content that is not prescribed by the board. You can check below the full list of the deleted topics from the Computer Applications syllabus.

CBSE Class 9 Computer Applications (165) - Deleted portion:

Unit 4: Scratch or Python

Alternative 1:

Educational programming language – Scratch

  • Introduction to Scratch.

  • Drag and drop commands, creating simple scripts, repeating blocks of commands.

  • Discuss x-y plane, create scripts to move the cat (Scratch mascot).

  • Create a script to draw diagrams using the pen feature.


Alternative 2: Python

  • Programming Basics : Algorithms and Flowcharts

  • Characteristics of a good program

  • Introduction to Python

  • A simple “Hello World" program

  • Running a Python program

In the same sequence, Python programs removed from the Practical syllabus of 9th and 10th Class