


Meaning: -HRD is broader than human resource management; it consists of several sub-systems such as training and development, employee appraisal, counseling, rewards and welfare, quality of work life, etc. these are the areas within its scope. The following topics are included within the scope of HRD.

1.       Training: - Training is an essential element of HRD. This develops skills and capacity to work at higher levels and positions. Training is possible by different methods. It is useful for self-development and career development.

2.       Performance appraisal: - Performance appraisal is an important area of HRD. The purpose of performance appraisal is to study critically the performance of an employee and to guide him to improve his performance. This technique is useful for building a team of capable employees and is also used for their self-development.

3.       Potential appraisal: - It relates to the study of capabilities of employees. It is useful for proper placement and career development of employees. Potential appraisal of employees is useful for developing their special qualities, which can be used fruitfully along with the expansion and diversification of activities of the company.

4.       Career planning and development: - Under HRD employees should be given guidance for their self-development and career development. The opportunities likely to develop in the organization should be brought to their notice. They should be motivated for self-development, which is useful to the organization in the long run.

5.       Employees’ welfare: - Employees welfare is within the scope of HRD. Welfare facilities are useful for creating efficient and satisfied labour force. Such facilities raise the morale of employees. Employee welfare include the provision of medical and recreation facilities, subsidized canteen, free raining and other measures introduced for HRD.

6.       Rewards and incentives: - HRD includes provision of rewards and incentives to employees to encourage them to learn, to grow and to develop new qualities, skills and experiences which will be useful in the near future. Reward is an appreciation of good work. It may be in the form of promotion, higher pay etc.

7.       Organizational development: - HRD aims at providing conflict-free operations throughout the organization. It also keeps plans ready to deal with problems like absenteeism, turnover, low productivity or industrial disputes.

8.       Quality of work life: - Quality of work life depends on sound relations between employer (owner) and employees. A forward looking policy on employee benefits like job security, attractive pay, participative management and monetary and non-monetary rewards will go a long way in improving the quality of work life.

9.       Human resource information system: - Such system acts as information bank and facilitates human resource planning and development in a proper manner. It facilitates quick decision-making in regard to HRD. Every organization has to introduce such system for ready reference to HRD matters.