
Important Definition of Gravitation Science I First Chapter

Important Definition of Gravitation

Science I
First Chapter

Force: Force is defined as the product of mass and acceleration.

Gravitational Force: The force of attraction between two masses separated by some distance is known as gravitational force.

Uniform Circular Motion: The motion of a particle along the circumference of a circle, with a constant linear speed, is called uniform circular motion. (U.C.M.)

Centre of Mass: The centre of mass of an object is point inside or outside the object at which the total mass of the object can be assumed to be concentrated.

Mass: Mass is the amount of matter present in the object.

Weight The weight of an object is defined as the force with which the earth attracts the object.

Gravitational waves: Gravitational waves are the waves on the fabric of space – time caused by accelerated masses or energetic processes in the universe.

Potential energy: The energy stored in an object because of its position or state is called potential energy.

Gravitational field: The space in which any mass experiences a gravitational force, is called a gravitational field.

Centripetal force: The force which acts on an object moving along a circle and directed towards the centre of the circle is called centripetal force.