
Write a letter to friend who is going abroad for higher studies.

No.7G, Rainbow Colony’
MG Road, Dharavi,
Mumbai  - 17.

My dear Regina,
            Accept my hearty congratulations on the opportunity you have got of going to Oxford for higher studies. With your enviable command over the English language and wide reading in English literature, I’m sure that you’ll teach the English a bit of good English yourself. If you distinguish yourself at Oxford, as I am sure you will, it will be no mean feather in your cap.

            I am reminded of Najiya who, having obtained a good degree from Cambridge University, took up a job in the States and settled there. You are aware of the brain drain from India – how our scholars with foreign qualifications prefer to work abroad and are lost to our country. There may be reasons  for this  ___ this lower scales of pay and lack of intellectual atmosphere in this country, but it is up to people like you and try to create suitable conditions amidst which highly qualified persons can work. I’m sure you’ll not be one of those ‘snobbish foreign returned’ Indians  who look down upon their countrymen.

            Wishing you a bright future.

                                                                                                              Yours loving friend,
