
My Favourite Season — Rains. Category : Secondary School Level

My Favourite Season — Rains.

Category : Secondary School Level

God has given us a cycle of seasons. There is the freezing winter and then the gradually warming spring. After spring comes the scorching summer and then comes the cooling rains, followed by the pleasant autumn and then winter once again. Each one of these seasons has something to recommend it. You will find the lovers of each as well as the critics.

I love the rainy season. After two long months of scorching heat, when the clouds start gathering in the sky, my heart starts dancing. When the first showers fall, the wonderful smell of the earth has an intoxicating quality. The tired faces of the people brighten up with hope and happiness. To see the eagerness in a peasant's face is a heartening experience.

When the rain comes down in torrents, I love to get drenched in it. All the dryness and heat of the summer is wiped out from the soul. The whole earth takes its refreshing bath. After the first heavy downpour everything appears to w be very fresh and clean. The dusty roads are shining. The dusty trees are bright. There is music of the birds and beasts and insects all round.

The sky presents a wonderful view during the rainy season. Sometimes there are thick dark clouds. Sometimes there are small pieces of clouds chasing one another like small boats. Sometimes, in the stormy nights, the lightning creates dazzling patterns of artistic designs.

It is wonderful to travel during the rains. The jungles are lush green. Travelling through them by train or by bus is very enjoyable. The visit to different waterfalls is another very exhilarating experience. The water falling down from great heights with a deafening sound and creating a misty atmosphere is something very thrilling. I love to watch it.    

Another very impressive sight is a visit to a river side. When the river is in spate in the rain. season, it presents a grand spectacle. There is water, water everywhere, rushing madly and carrying trees, houses, animals - all. It is an awe-inspiring scene. The destructive power of the mighty river makes one believe in God.

Finally, the music of the raindrops falling on one's roof is very soothing. The rainy season also means the beginning of new sessions and new activities. Yes, the rainy season is indeed beautiful!

School Essay for Students.