
Identify and complete the following correlations. a. Insulin: Diabetes :: Interleukin : -- -- -- b. Interferon : -- :: Erythropoietin : Anemia.

Question 13.

Identify and complete the following correlations.

a. Insulin: Diabetes :: Interleukin : -- -- --

b. Interferon : -- :: Erythropoietin : Anemia.

c. ------- : Dwarfness :: Factor VIII : Hemophilia.

d. White revolution : Dairy:: Blue revolution : -- -- -- --.


a. Insulin: Diabetes:: Interleukin : Cancer

b. Interferon: Viral infection:: Erythropoietin : Anemia.

c. Somatostatin: Dwarfness:: Factor VIII : Hemophilia.

d. White revolution: Dairy:: Blue revolution: Aquatic organisms.

With the help of biotechnology the following have successfully produced:

Insulin to cure diabetes, interleukin protein for cancer cure, interferon against viral infection, erythropoietin to cure anemia,

Somatostatin growth hormone to overcome dwarfness and Factor VIII to cure hemophilia.

White revolution is to increase milk production and Blue revolution is increase aquatic organisms like fish, shrimp, and lobster production.