
Write a letter to your younger brother who was caught copying in his exams. Advise him on values, and principles in life.

8C, Heaven colony,
M.G. Road,
Mumbai - 400017.
13th February, 2013.

Dear Brother,

Thanks for your lovely birthday card. It was very well made. Yesterday, I visited a book exhibition and have picked up a book on “Human Values” for you. After all, character plays a very significant role in one’s life.
I was shocked to hear from mother that you were caught copying in your exams. It was shocking and very embarrassing to know this. What’s wrong with you? Weren’t you prepared for the paper? Even if you hadn’t studied, what was the need to cheat? Remember, it is important to be a good human being first. Scoring a few more marks by employing low means is not right. Frankly speaking, I was ashamed as I was the Head boy in class X and the thought that the Principal and the teachers would discuss about my brother cheating in class was a very disturbing thought. Mother told me that she has to meet the Principal along with Father. What an embarrassing moment for them! Our deeds reflect our family background, don’t you know that?

Hope you realize your mistake and promise yourself to be honest always. You can improve for the best only if you are determined to do so. Take care. All the Best.

Your loving brother,


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